Worker Joint Injury Recovery Lawyers
Joint injuries are some of the most common workplace accidents. Heavy lifting, falling objects, slip and falls, and falls from ladders or scaffolding can all cause serious injuries to joints that keep you out of work.
At Dennis Kenny Law, we understand the stresses and pain that often accompany these injuries. Our attorneys help people with joint injuries gain the workers’ compensation benefits they depend on to pay bills and support their families.
When you have questions about workers’ compensation benefits after a joint injury, it may seem like everyone has answers. But the right answers come from an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. Call Dennis Kenny Law, at 888-312-5516 for a free initial consultation.
Schedule A Free Initial Consultation With Dennis Kenny Law
At Dennis Kenny Law, we help injured people throughout the Newburgh area get the workers’ compensation benefits they deserve. To talk with us about your options, contact our New York office at 845-764-4494 or toll free at 888-312-5516 for a free initial consultation.