There’s no question that workplace violence has become an increasing problem throughout the country. While the incidents that make the news typically involve mass shootings, most workplace violence is one-on-one. Workplace violence can take many forms. Such violence...
Legal Blog Of Dennis Kenny Law
3 times an outside party may be liable for a work injury
Many on-the-job injuries in New York lead to workers' compensation claims. Employers generally need to carry specialized coverage to protect employees from injuries and illnesses related to their work. Fault usually has minimal impact on benefit eligibility, and...
What are the 3 main types of workers’ compensation benefits?
Employment laws in New York require that businesses carry workers' compensation coverage for direct-hire employees. That coverage protects workers from the risks inherent in their professions. Part-time and seasonal workers, as well as long-term permanent employees,...
Building a case: What are my rights if I broke my wrist while working construction?
Construction sites are high-risk zones for occupational injuries, and incidents like a broken wrist can have significant repercussions for workers. Understanding the basic legal rights after an on-the-job injury can empower affected individuals during their recovery...
4 facts to know about traumatic brain injuries
Traumatic brain injuries can occur in a variety of situations, including slip-all-fall incidents. For those who suffer from traumatic brain injuries, there is often a long road to recovery. Understanding the basics of these injuries may help victims and their loved...
Does New York workers’ comp cover pre-existing conditions?
Some medical conditions cause challenges years after someone's initial injury. Pre-existing medical conditions often cause financial complications for individuals in need of medical treatment through their health insurance or other benefits. People often assume that...
What happens if you request a Social Security Disability hearing?
Filing for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) isn’t an easy process, and initial denials are very common. Unfortunately, reconsideration requests may not be any more successful. This forces a lot of deserving claimants to request a hearing so that they can...
3 hazards nurses face on each shift
People in the nursing field know that they will have to work hard on each shift. They understand that caring for patients is taxing on the body. Most will also assume that the medical facility they work for will provide them with a safe work environment. Some hazards...
Motorcycle accidents are vastly more dangerous
It's not always clear exactly how dangerous motorcycle accidents are, at least when compared to other car accidents. For instance, there are roughly 40,000 fatal accidents every year, but only a few thousand of them involve motorcycles. Some people read these...
How do I know if I qualify for Social Security Disability?
If you’re injured and cannot work, one of the options may be to apply for Social Security Disability benefits. Not everyone will qualify for Social Security, so it’s important that you do have an opportunity to review the qualifications before you apply and determine...