Building a case: What are my rights if I broke my wrist while working construction?

On Behalf of | Mar 4, 2024 | Construction Accidents |

Construction sites are high-risk zones for occupational injuries, and incidents like a broken wrist can have significant repercussions for workers. Understanding the basic legal rights after an on-the-job injury can empower affected individuals during their recovery and claims process.

How do these accidents happen?

A broken wrist at a construction site is not uncommon. Various factors can cause this type of injury, such as:

  • Falls from heights due to unstable scaffolding or ladders,
  • Slips and trips over debris or uneven surfaces, or
  • Machinery accidents when the person operating the machinery did not follow safety measures or the safety measures failed.

A broken wrist requires medical treatment that can include immediate medical attention to assess the severity, immobilization with a cast or splint, possible surgery if the break is complex, and physical therapy to regain strength and mobility. It takes time before anyone with a broken wrist can heal and return to their daily routine — let alone get back to work and earning a paycheck.

Who pays for my medical treatment and missed wages?

Lawmakers put the workers’ compensation program into place to help provide financial assistance and medical care for employees who sustain work-related injuries. Application for coverage generally entails prompt reporting of the injury to the employer, medical documentation detailing the injury’s extent and cause, and accurate completion of claim forms provided by the employer or insurer.

Unfortunately, even when injured workers follow these procedures, workers’ compensation providers can deny claims. Common reasons to explain a denial can include:

  • Disputes over the injury being work-related,
  • Incomplete or incorrect claim forms, and/or
  • Missed deadlines for reporting the injury or filing the claim.

A denial is not the end. Those who are faced with a denial should review the denial letter for the reason and consult with a workers’ compensation attorney for guidance. Workers can generally file an appeal within the stipulated time frame. The worker will likely need to gather additional evidence to support the claim and may need to attend hearings where both the worker and the employer can present their case.

Workers must be vigilant in understanding their rights and the procedures to follow in the event of an injury. The workers’ compensation system exists to support injured workers, but injured workers are wise to handle the process with diligence to help better ensure just outcomes.